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Ihre Ansprechpersonen für Presseanfragen

Annika Burchard, Corporate Communications TÜV NORD GROUP

Annika Burchard

Stv. Leitung Corporate Newsroom; Energy & Resources (Energie, Rohstoffe); Industry
Tim Kreitlow, Corporate Communications of TÜV NORD GROUP

Tim Kreitlow

Leitung Corporate Newsroom; People & Empowerment (Bildung)
Sven Ulbrich, Corporate Communications of TÜV NORD GROUP

Sven Ulbrich

Leiter Konzern-Kommunikation
Svea Fricke, Corporate Communications of TÜV NORD GROUP

Svea Fricke

Certification, Nachhaltigkeit
Stefan Genz, Corporate Communications of TÜV NORD GROUP

Stefan Genz

Digital & Semiconductor (IT, Space)
Claas Stroh, Corporate Communications of TÜV NORD GROUP

Claas Alexander Stroh

Mobility (Verkehr)