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ALTER | HTV puts new chip and wafer test technologies into operation

Digital & Semiconductor: TÜV NORD GROUP subsidiary makes forward-looking investments

Drei Männer in weißen Laborkitteln stehen in einem Hightech-Labor neben einem Prüfgerät der Marke Advantest. Sie lächeln in die Kamera, während sie auf das Gerät zeigen, das mit einer grünen Leiterplatte ausgestattet ist. Im Vordergrund befindet sich ein Bildschirm mit technischer Anzeige. Das Labor ist modern ausgestattet, mit Warnschildern und technischer Infrastruktur im Hintergrund.

ALTER | HTV, TÜV NORD GROUP's market-leading company for semiconductor technology, is setting new standards in semiconductor testing with the commissioning of state-of-the-art test technologies. The investment of more than 1 million euros in the purchase of the Advantest V93K EXA scale chip tester and the fully automated ACCRETECH UF2000 wafer prober underlines ALTER | HTV's claim to offer its customers the best possible test technologies for end-processed semiconductor chips and on-wafer tests. Semiconductor chips are the core building blocks of digitalization and can now be found in a vast number of applications, from computers, smartphones, data centers and robotics to vehicles, where they control central functions such as propulsion, driving behavior and safety systems.

The European semiconductor industry is in a phase of rapid change. The European Union is striving to reduce its dependence on Asian manufacturers and strengthen the European production of semiconductor components and systems. The need for the most advanced semiconductor chips for use in artificial intelligence and automated, highly connected driving is driving this change.

„In einem dynamischen Halbleitermarkt mit stark veränderlichen Bedarfen sind flexible Testlösungen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg unserer Kund:innen. ALTER | HTV bietet mit der neuesten Generation von Testsystemen höchste Testleistung, Variabilität und Flexibilität, um heutige und zukünftige Anforderungen zu erfüllen“, sagt Dirk Stenkamp, Vorstandsvorsitzender der TÜV NORD AG.

Das Advantest V93K EXA Scale ist ein hochmodernes Testsystem, das durch seine hohe Flexibilität die Halbleiter-Testindustrie in den kommenden Jahren prägen wird. Ausgestattet mit der neuesten Betriebssoftware SmarTest 8, bietet der EXA Scale ein breites Spektrum an Testmöglichkeiten für analoge und digitale Signale. Diese Vielseitigkeit ermöglicht es ALTER | HTV, auf spezifische Kundenanforderungen flexibel zu reagieren und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten.

The ACCRETECH UF2000 fully automatic wafer prober is the market-leading tool for wafer-based electrical chip testing. With a precision of ±1.5 microns and the ability to operate around the clock, the UF2000 ensures the highest standards in reliability testing and efficiency. The ability to test at both high and low temperatures makes it a universal partner in the semiconductor production process. Semiconductor testing at different temperatures is an important aspect of reliability testing and characterization of semiconductor chips.

For almost four decades, ALTER | HTV has ensured that customers from various sectors, including the automotive and process industries, medical technology, industry and aerospace, only use high-quality semiconductor chips. The company offers comprehensive services, from the selection and testing of components to the programming of microchips and the analysis of defective components in its own accredited institute for material analysis. “The new test systems support ALTER | HTV in its pioneering role for OSAT services, Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test. This enables companies from various industries to outsource their semiconductor backend processes on an individual and broad basis,” says Luis Gómez, CEO of ALTER, the parent company of ALTER | HTV.

With the acquisition of the new test systems, ALTER | HTV is once again demonstrating its commitment to Bensheim as a business location, securing jobs and confirming its role as a flexible and strong partner for its customers. “Our new technologies enable us to respond flexibly to our customers' needs and guarantee the highest quality standards,” explains Holger Krumme, Managing Director of ALTER | HTV.


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Stefan Genz, Konzern-Kommunikation von der TÜV NORD GROUP

Stefan Genz

Digital & Semiconductor (IT, Space)