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13. salary, work-life balance, health and training

Discover your advantages

We offer our employees a wide range of employee benefits. These may vary depending on the location, company and conditions set out in the employment contract, but they all have one goal:

To ensure your well-being!

Financial advantages

Mann bekommt von einer Frau ein Weihnachtsgeschenk

Compensation variables

In addition to your basic salary, you can receive additional remuneration components such as a 13th salary, vacation pay, capital-forming benefits or bonus payments.
Geschenk auf Schreibtisch

Personal events

Depending on your life situation, you can benefit from additional financial advantages and gifts, e.g. for anniversaries, births or weddings.
Frau mit E-Fahrzeug

Mobility services

Depending on your location and activity, we support you with mobility extras - whether it's a subsidy for the Deutschlandticket, Bahncard or company car, we make your journey to work easier!
Mensch mit Einkaufstüten

Benefits and discounts

Other financial extras include our canteen allowance, a laundry service and new shopping offers every month via Corporate Benefits - there's something for everyone!

Work-life balance

Zwei Personen die in den Bergen Urlaub machen


You will benefit from 30 vacation days and also have Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve off. We also offer special leave for personal events.
Frau im Homeoffice

Flexible working models

Flexitime, part-time, home office or job sharing - our company regulations make many things possible! Together with your manager, you decide how and where you work. With us, the focus is on achieving results!
Kinder an einer Boulderwand


An exciting program awaits you at the main locations during the summer vacations. With voiio, we also offer a wide range of childcare options during the vacations.
Voiio Logo

Support services

Our voiio family service offers comprehensive support in many life situations: whether childcare, caring for relatives or self-care offers - there is something suitable for everyone.

Further development opportunities

Gruppe von Menschen in einem Seminar

Training & further education

To promote your personal and professional development, we support you with career development programs, further training opportunities and language courses.
Mensch, der ein e-learning Angebot nutzt


With our Masterplan digital training program, you can continue your education at any time and from any location according to your needs or interests.

Health and prevention

Obst und Sportgeräte

Health care

We are happy to invest in the health of our employees. Whether it's a sports course, coaching, resilience training or nutritional advice - choose from our wide range of offers to help you stay healthy.

Company sport

At our locations, you have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of company sports groups - from yoga and footbal to sailing.
Hände von drei Personen

Insurance offers

We offer you various discounted insurance products for a wide range of life situations. The company pension plan is one of our key benefits to ensure that you are also covered in the future.
Zwei Frauen stehen vor einer modernen Wand mit dem Logo der TÜV NORD GROUP und halten gemeinsam ein großes Zertifikat. Beide lächeln und tragen Business-Kleidung; die Frau links hat schulterlanges, rötliches Haar und eine dunkle Jacke, die Frau rechts hat kurze, dunkle Haare und trägt eine dunkle Jacke mit rotem Schal. Das Zertifikat ist von der Initiative „berufundfamilie“ und bestätigt das Engagement für eine familienfreundliche Unternehmenskultur. Die Atmosphäre ist professionell und feierlich.

audit berufundfamilie

Certified family friendliness

Within the TÜV NORD GROUP, work and private life are not mutually exclusive: Our corporate culture is family-friendly. We are going new ways to ensure that our employees can optimally reconcile their family needs with their career.

An important step towards family friendliness is the ‘berufundfamilie’ certificate, which has been a constant incentive for us to continuously improve in this area since the first award in 2009. The award is an initiative of the renowned Hertie Foundation and is presented under the programme of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs.

Individual working time arrangements, for example for childcare or caring for relatives, changing your place of work or comprehensive health care are part of our everyday practice. We are also happy to arrange emergency childcare, parental counselling or household help and provide online tutoring services. In this way, you can safely reconcile work and family life.