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TÜV NORD Politics

TÜV NORD GROUP Representative Office

Political representation in Berlin

Berliner Reichstag

The TÜV NORD GROUP Representative Office is the TÜV NORD GROUP's link to German and European politics. As a brand ambassador, it represents the technological expertise of the TÜV NORD GROUP to stakeholders from politics, business and society. Our goal is to find the best solutions to make technology as safe as possible - because this is the only way to create trust in the innovations of tomorrow.

Political topics of the TÜV NORD GROUP

Silhouetted wind turbines against a starry night sky


With its services, the TÜV NORD GROUP is actively working towards the goal of a climate-neutral energy supply in which security of supply is guaranteed at all times. We support policymakers with our expertise in the area of the necessary regulations: from testing requirements for photovoltaic modules and wind turbines to the expansion of the hydrogen infrastructure and the framework conditions for the use of deep geothermal energy.

TÜV NORD vehicle inspector inspects the underside of a car on a lifting platform


The emission-free and connected traffic of the future offers many opportunities: fewer traffic jams, fewer accidents, less pollution. At the same time, it brings new challenges. Digital functions must be protected against cyber attacks and new infrastructures must function smoothly. With its many years of experience in the mobility sector, the TÜV NORD GROUP actively supports the necessary laws and regulations.

Glowing blue quantum entanglement with colorful particles in a dark background.

Digital policy

Everything is becoming increasingly smart and connected: products, machines, systems, households and means of transportation. This opens up completely new possibilities: more efficiency, more productivity, more convenience. This is especially true when artificial intelligence (AI) is also used. At the same time, it must be clear that such systems do not become a gateway for cyber attacks and that AI only does what it is supposed to do. We are actively working on the legal framework for this.

A technician wearing a hard hat and work clothes inspects the interior of an elevator shaft. He holds a flashlight in his hand and checks the mechanics and cables of the elevator.

Climate, environment, resources

Products should become more sustainable. There is an increased focus on environmental friendliness in supply chains. Companies should keep a better eye on the impact of their activities on the climate. At the same time, the security of supply of critical raw materials must be guaranteed. With its expertise, the TÜV NORD GROUP helps to ensure that the necessary standards and regulations are technically sound and can be implemented as unbureaucratically as possible.

Contact us

Group Representative Office
Unter den Linden 17
10117 Berlin

TÜV NORD GROUP is a registered lobbyist:
Lobby register at the German Bundestag: R003042
EU-Transparenzregister: 41604864983-63


Tuesday Porter

Head of Group Representation

Diana Sündermann

Deputy Head of Group Representation

Daniel Müller

Consultant Politics & Associations