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Values and guidelines

Rails and tracks

Our core values

The name TÜV NORD GROUP promises objectivity and integrity. Our customers benefit from our strategies for long-term value creation and sustainable competitive orientation. Self-responsible action, personal drive and our commitment to excellence form the foundation for our neutral and fair consulting expertise.

The TÜV brand stands globally for safety, quality, innovation and neutrality. Our employees are guided by our values and observe our guidelines. They are the binding principles of personal conduct within TÜV NORD Group and strengthen our integrity. The clear and responsible attitude of our employees sets global standards in the consulting and service sector: with our specialist knowledge, we protect people, the environment and material assets from risks.

For more than 150 years, we have been developing economic solutions and innovations at an excellent level. Competence and an active corporate culture make us a strong, reliable partner.

Trust, dignity, conscience and social cooperation: TÜV NORD Group employees observe these four basic corporate ethical values in their dealings with each other, their partners and customers. All actions and thoughts are based on the fundamental values of independence, responsibility and integrity.

Every employee makes a lasting contribution to the success of TÜV NORD Group and its customers with his or her skills and commitment. The orientation towards the four core values ensures a gain in security for us and our customers and partners: We gain trust by acting competently, reliably and appropriately. A respectful approach to ethical convictions helps us to live up to our responsibility for people, the environment and technology. The appreciation of each individual, regardless of their function, harmonizes corporate goals and social interaction. Our values define the hallmarks of the TÜV brand.


Our guidelines

Our guidelines guarantee the long-term success of our company worldwide. They are based on international guidelines and strengthen the credibility of the TÜV brand.

Our employees are characterized by a lively corporate culture and active identification with TÜV NORD GROUP. The guidelines characterize our corporate culture and promote self-responsible, loyal thinking and acting towards each other and towards customers and partners. Among other things, they are based on the internationally recognized principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) and the standards of the Global Responsibility Reporting Initiative.

Human rights, labor standards, corruption prevention, environmental protection and communication are thus given guidelines that each individual can follow: From family-conscious personnel management and transparent communication to environmental compatibility, our guidelines consistently translate our value system into principles that can be applied and experienced.

Three TÜV NORD GROUP flags wave

Mission statement of the TÜV NORD GROUP

For 150 years, we have stood for safety, independence and quality with our technical expertise. We protect lives and property and help to conserve natural resources. Looking to the future, we use our expertise to help our customers become even more successful in the networked world. We summarize our strengths and goals, our values and core strategic concepts in our mission statement.