Corporate governance guidelines and a sophisticated compliance management system with a code of conduct and ombudsman provide our employees with extensive support in this regard. They ensure that all of the Group's business processes and organizational structures are compliant. And they promote the responsible behavior of each individual by preventing risks and dangers. With these strategies, TÜV NORD GROUP succeeds in achieving management and control geared to long-term value creation.
Compliance Management System
The TÜV NORD GROUP understands compliance to mean adherence to all relevant laws, regulations, directives, standards and contractual obligations as well as voluntary commitments. This also includes regulations set by the Group itself.
Competence and responsibility are important foundations for the business success of the TÜV NORD GROUP. TÜV NORD AG and its companies respect the applicable law in the countries in which they operate and expect the same from their employees and business partners. Violations of the law and ethics are not accepted.
In order to prevent possible risks and avert damage to the TÜV NORD GROUP, the Board of Management has set up a central compliance management system within TÜV NORD AG:
The ombudsman is the point of contact for compliance violations and is subject to legal confidentiality.
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance (principles of corporate management) is the framework for the management and monitoring of the TÜV NORD GROUP. It stands for responsible management and control geared towards long-term value creation. Corporate governance ensures that all the Group's business processes and organizational structures are in order. It is based on the current requirements of the German Stock Corporation Act.
All the essential requirements of the Control and Transparency Act (KonTraG) for public limited companies in Germany are adequately implemented in the TÜV NORD GROUP:
The implementation of corporate governance in day-to-day business is supported by clear rules and regulations to which all employees have permanent online access: