Let's find out if it works!
Our TÜV NORD CandiDATE delivers what it promises: You can expect a unique opportunity to get to know us in a relaxed and non-binding way. No matter which area of interest appeals to you, you can get to know everything here. We would like to offer you the opportunity not only to gain an insight into our jobs, benefits and general conditions, but also to make your first personal contacts and get to know us a little before your formal application.
Perhaps you would like to find out more about a specific job offer or are still undecided as to which of our vacancies is of most interest to you - let's find the answer together! Afterwards, you have the opportunity to make a non-binding appointment with our moderators to clarify any remaining questions in a personal meeting before you ask yourself the question: Do you want to go with us and submit your CV?
General introduction, individual advice
During our CandiDATE, you will meet HR managers from our business units who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Our CandiDATE take place every 1st Thursday of the month from 3pm to 4pm in the virtual meeting room. If the 1st Thursday falls on a public holiday, the date is postponed by one week. Just drop by - prior registration is not necessary.A little tip: It works best if you log in via your PC or laptop.