FSSAI mandated Food Safety Audit for Food businesses.

FSSAI mandated Food Safety Audit for Food Businesses.:

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Government of India directs to mandate of food safety audit for Food Businesses holding Central license and falling under high risk categories of food businesses under the Food Safety and Standards (Food Safety Auditing) Regulations, 2018 (Ref : File No19(2)2018/FSA/RCD/FSSAI).

TUV India as one of the leading Inspection, Testing and Certification service provider is recognized to conduct FSSAI Audits (Hygiene Ratings, Eat Right Campus, and BHOG etc.), Inspections, Trainings (FOSTAC) and Compliance certification services.

The whole intention of this initiative is to audit all the food businesses under the following 6 categories as per FLRS (Food Licensing and Registration System), which are:

  • Dairy Products and analogues, excluding products of food category 2.0
  • Meat and meat products including poultry
  • Fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
  • Egg and egg products
  • Foodstuff intended for particular nutritional uses (Food for infant nutrition etc.)
  • Prepared food (catering etc.)

The food business subject to mandatory food safety auditing as per above categories shall get its business audited by a recognized auditing agency at intervals specified by the Food authority. An auditor manual with the details and list of agencies can be downloaded from the link- https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/Food_Safety_Auditing_Agencies_Lists_13_11_2019.pdf

Food safety and quality audits are used widely in the food industry for various reasons like to evaluate management systems, obtain certifications to certain food safety and quality standards, assess the condition of premises and products, confirm legal compliance etc.


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