TUV India part of TUV NORD GROUP have been empaneled with Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) as Project Management Consultants for Civil Construction, Power T&D, Solar and Railway sector, for prospective projects funded under Lines of Credit (LOCs).
EXIM Bank of India is the premier export finance institution of the country that seeks to build value by integrating foreign trade and investment with the economic rise of India. With our rich pedigree, today they serve as a growth engine for industries and SMEs through a wide range of products and services.
TUV India provides end to end ( E2E) Project Management Services by partnering with clients to deliver their projects with great success from “concept to commissioning and ensuring proper planning, execution, controlling and closing the project to achieve customer goal with specific success criteria.
TUV India Project Management experts will study the project complexities and ensure that project adheres to the agreed milestones and budget, while meeting the relevant regulations, Quality and Safety Standards.
To contact our Project Management Team:
Write to us: pmc@tuv-nord.com
Call us: 18002090902